Remote Jobs

Remote work is simply the practice of employees working in any other location than the traditional corporate office or sites operated and supervised by the organization. Working from home, shared office space, your private office or any other convenient place are categorized as remote work. Both employer and employee leverage on modern technology to achieve this.


Remote work is a win-win for both the employer and the employee. For the employers it increases employees’ productivities, ability to select professionals from a global pool, reduces overhead expenses, amongst others. For the employee; it increases productivity, enable location independence, multiple streams of income, less stress and better work-life balance plus several other benefits

– Remote jobs are available in a huge number of career categories.

– Possibility to work for several employers


In securing remote job(s), note that you are not competing with professionals from your local area like the regular recruitment methods but a face-to-face with global competition, therefore it is necessary to know the details on how to get selected.


Besides the most popular job boards like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, indeed, ZipRecruiters, Monster, Hired, etc. there are several other great places to find remote job online. Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, JobRack, Outsourcely, Arc,, ProBlogger, Dribble, AuthenticJobs etc.

There are companies that engage mostly remote workers, you need to get their details.


– REMOTE WORK RESUME: You need to create an outstanding remote job resume. Note that a lot of employers use applicant tracking systems, a software that automatically read thousands of resumes, and filter out unwanted ones. So, you need a resume that will not be automatically rejected

– REMOTE INTERVIEW: you should be prepared for a remote interview where applicable. You will likely be asked more questions than in the conventional physical interview. There are several tips on dealing with this and the likely questions/answers for your job type.

– COMMUNITACTION SKILL – You need to also demonstrate a good communication skill in most cases.

If you are thinking of a better work/life balance, productivity and independence with a higher income potential, remote job might be what you need to consider now.


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